Line 6 Guitarport For Mac
Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-06-10 17: I am recently unable to open my guitarport tracks and lessons. I receive an error message such as the following: 'Neil Schon - lessonOpen Track Failed. Failed to set up Track Engine with file.'
I am running OS X Leopard 10.5.3, Gearbox Version 3.60.1 with a Toneport GX. I can't say for certain, but this seemed to start after I received some OS X updates from apple on June 9.
The updates were: Quicktime 7.5 Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 2.1 Brother Printer Drivers Update 1.1 Could one of these updates have 'broken' my Gearbox? Any suggestions? Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error.

By on 2008-06-17 08: I am so happy it wasn't something I did. I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I did wrong. Very disappointing.
It was fathers day gift had it all set up and working Did the routine maintenance of upgrading QuickTime and a security patch came down and BAM messed up. Please let us know how to fix it I am going to also E mail Apple about it so maybe we can get two corporate giants off of the butts before my evaluation is over. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-06-18 16: Fixed it but thought pointbreakd was a little too involved.uninstalled Quicktime then Gearbox and Leopard which gave me QT 7.3 back.installed Gearbox and Monkey and updated Gearbox as needed.everything good far.don't think I'll upgrade to any QT higher than 7.3 for now and not until they fix the bugs in 7.5.thanks to pointbreakd for confirming what was needed because we did not get too much from Line6 and nothing from Apple.very disappointing.good thing we have ourselves.thanks to all!!!! Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error.
By on 2008-06-19 11: How about an e-mail from Line6 when something like this happens? I just spent about an hour after the QT update troubleshooting the problem, finding this thread and repairing the problem as suggested by the astute user. It would be nice if Line6 sent an automated e-mail to all users warning not to upgrade QT until the issue has been resolved. You've got our contact info., why not warn others before they waste their time? A second e-mail with fix/worekaround info.
Could come later and would be equally welcomed. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error.
By on 2008-06-20 19: Glad I was able to find this thread quickly in Google. I had the same problem and realized there were a bunch of Line 6 updates. Still didn't work. The downgrade did. Folks at Line 6, I agree that - at least in this instance - you should send out a warning email to all registered users telling them NOT to install QT 7.5. Apple has done a great job.of screwing everything up with the last 2.x QT releases.
Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-06-21 10: Not to dump on Line6, as I am sure they'll fix this.
Line 6 Guitarport For Mac Download
Most OS X developers I know have signed up with Apple for ADC (Apple Developer Connection), where they have access to software updates and OS releases before they come out. They test their code with that stuff before it gets out to the public. Maybe Line6 didn't test this update, maybe they didn't get it in time, I dunno. My point is that this kind of stuff is preventable, just requires a little work. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-06-25 14: OK Line6 its now been 6 days since any update from yourselves which as far as I am concerned is not acceptable. If this was something we had purchased in a shop we would all be taking it back now for a refund, as according to UK law, I believe if it is not suitable for the purpose it was purchased for you are entitled to a full refund!
I think Line6 needs to remember as well as buying the Guitar port etc, we are paying an annual subscription as well. So I presume Line6 will be reimbursing all the people who pay a subscription for the time they are unable to use the product!
It may not be you who has caused the problem but there is no excuse for not testing new updates and for not giving regular updates to your customers. You should also have offered to refund peoples subscription as soon as there was a problem, it would then be down to you to claim all loses back from who ever caused the issue. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-06-29 22: Thanks for the fix. This problem was driving me nuts, but downgraded with pacifist to QT 7.4 and now I'm rocking again! To those who are bagging on Line 6, you are being unreasonable.
Why should a private company be held accountable for a bug from a software update from Apple? Are you serious? You just want to point fingers. I have used Line 6 products and software for a couple of years now with ZERO problems. IMO software designers and companies are in such a rush any more to get their product to market that they do not spend the time they used to for fully testing their product before unleashing it upon an unsuspecting public. Their testing grounds now seem to be the consumers, only then do they know about problems and bugs with their software.
Look at all the problems with the newest Mac OSX software. I have not and will not update to that system until I know all the bugs are worked out. Blaming Line 6 is way out of line. Keep up the good work Line 6!!
Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-07-09 20: For those users who use iMovie (or Final Cut, or any other video editing software) beware that downgrading your QT will mess with those apps in a not very good kinda way.
Not sure what else on my system got screwed up as result, but I suspect that given the way OS X apps are tied together, there are other things that will break. The downgrade of QT via pacifist worked to restore my Gearbox track loading issues however it messed up the ability of iChat to use the video codecs properly on my MacBook Pro. IChat video functionality is a required part of my ISP Network Engineer job for the ability to attend meetings from remote locations and such so I had to upgrade back to QT 7.5. Hopefully there will be some kind of fix from Apple or Line6 in the near future. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-07-13 05: Just in case anyone's wondering, this bug also affects loading tracks from the hard drive or a CD player. It won't load lessons, either.
The only thing that does appear to work correctly is loading tones from the Tone Locker. The update from Apple for QT should not affect how this works.
There should be a patch to update this on Line 6's part. This software is meant to support the OS, not the other way around. If there is a function that does not function properly, then it is the job of Line 6 to supply that patch, and it is not the problem of the user to adapt any aspect of the OS to fit the needs of Line 6 products. We've already bought upgraded hardware and operating systems to get better performance for all of our musical needs, including Line 6 products. It has already been a month since this was first reported, and we are PATIENTLY awaiting a patch. I, for one, expect a refund of my subscription service for not being able to use it just as a matter of principle.
Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-07-20 00: Is there likely to be an update any time soon.
Unfortunately, since rolling back to the earlier version of Quicktime, my iMovie application no longer works as QT7.5 is a mandatory install for that. I need both iMovie and Gearbox.:( Incidentally, I notice there's a 64 bit version for Windows, any chance of a 64 bit version for Leopard - there's probably more 64bit Mac users at the moment than windows, given it's a standard feature of all Intel Macs with Leopard and a probably the majority of PowerPC Macs too. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-07-20 09: I just upgraded gearbox, don't really know why because everything worked (well the online app is a drag and fails continuosly) Me stupid, but line monkey promted me to do so. Now I can't play tracks! And reading this thread I see that Line 6 is aware of this and they don't fix it nor even alert before installing, I also use video apps and I am not doing any QT downgrade.
Line 6 customer support is really bad. Shame on Line 6.
Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-07-20 11: Nice one - 'guinea pig'. Oddly enough if you read the thread you linked to, it's pretty clear that this particular problem has to do with 3rd party components and how they interact with the new QT update. Furthermore, the problem in that thread has nothing to do with the error the Line6 software is having. I am sure Line6 will have a fix soon. Eventually anyway. But in the meantime please let's not make excuses for them.
They simply did not test their Mac software with this QT update before it was released. It's pretty obvious that's what happened, and now they're trying to find a fix.
End of story. Please stop spreading blame where it doesn't belong. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error.
By on 2008-07-20 11: Let me see if I have this straight - Apple releases a new OS and people immediately install it. Line6 hardware and software doesn't work properly. Apple releases an update - Line6 hardware and software starts working properly. Quicktime releases an update - Line6 hardware/software stops working properly and Mac users are having multiple problems. Rolling back Quicktime takes special software for some oddball reason - but fixes the problem. But it somehow also breaks other software that is now somehow intertwined with 7.5 and doesn't work with or without it.
And it's Line 6's fault. User and not really caring about the problem or solution - this is just an observation about Mac user's somewhat well documented state of denial. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-07-20 13: Well, the fact that this thread has been going on for over a month with no official Line6 resolution (or statement) says something about them, but then again, the problem lies with Apple. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-07-20 15: Thanks Bumpy - Good to see the Line6 acknowledgment - not sure why they didn't post it here.
As a follow up to what I said - iTunes requires 7.4.5 (I rolled back to 7.4.1 so will need to upgrade) to play certain videos but I haven't noted any audio problems. I tried iMovie and didn't have any problems (some have noted this) but then I never used it when 7.5 was installed (which could have then saved something using the new codex and thus cause a problem with the roll back.) I'll try other apps as I get a chance. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-08-08 22: This is how I fixed: 1. Trash QT 7.5 and empty trash 2. Google, Download and install Pacifist at no cost 3. Google and Download QT 7.4 dmg 4.
Open Pacifist without registering 5. After pacifist is running Drag QT 7.4 dmg into it 6. From Pacifist choose the QT program and click the install from Pacifist menu 7. Let Pacifist do its thing when it asks reply by Clicking Replace and don't ask again buttons 8. Let it finish and restart your computer 9.
Retry GearBox track. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-09-07 12: Agreed. This is a very poor response from Line 6. While I recognize the issues of rolling out software, the sheer time that this issue has been 'know' would at least require Line 6 to be more forthcoming and attentive to this post, especially given that people are paying for this service.
A credit of some sort is in order for each month people could not use this service. I do feel it is critical for people to keep writing into this post to make sure Line 6 knows this issue has not gone away. So Line 6, what is the date that we will be able to use this service? It is the responsible approach to give weekly updates if this software roll out is not occurring this week. Re: Guitarport Online -'Failed to set up Track Engine with file' error. By on 2008-09-10 15: Okay. I called Line6 tech support today.
Here's what transpired: 1. Line6 techs are apparently not at liberty to give a time frame for a fix.
They are (quote) working on it but that's all they can tell us. I was credited with three free months. I'm guessing that this is not gonna be automatic; you'll have to call tech support and complain as I did. I rephrased my question in this way: 'Is Line 6 waiting for Apple before they 'do' something about this?' The response was: 'That seems to be the word'. One more thing, there are lots of other posts concerning Quicktime 7.5 and its effect on GPO.
Some of them have frequent comments from Line 6 techs.