
  • Applications : Facetime For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 22. 17:50
    ApplicationsApplications : Facetime For Mac

    Facetime App For Mac

    Apple FaceTime for Mac lets you take advantage of your computer's larger screen to get a good look at the family and friends you're talking to. You can make and receive calls through this program just as you would on your phone, but without the need to hold the phone up the whole time you're talking.

    Pros Block and favorite: Through this program, you can quickly create special lists of your contacts. For instance, you can add some to your Favorites List to make its easier to find them quickly, and you can add others to a list of Blocked numbers, so you don't have to worry about receiving calls from them. Straightforward interface: This app's interface is split into two sections, with the camera view displayed on the left and Contacts and other lists accessible on the right. Once you select a Contact, you'll see a detailed summary of all their information, along with buttons for making Video Calls, Audio Calls, Texting, and more. Cons Hidden options: When you first open the app, you can set your preferences for certain aspects of the program. But once you've done that, it's hard to find the option to go back and edit them again. That feature, along with quite a few others, are tucked away in the drop-down menus you can access from the top of the screen.


    But there is so little on the main interface itself that it seems that some of these features could be included in a way that's a bit more accessible. Bottom Line Apple FaceTime for Mac costs $0.99 on the App Store, and it's a fun way to keep in touch with family and friends from all over.

    Apple Facetime For Mac Download

    It works just like the program on your phone, and gives you a few handy customization options as well. Although there are some features that are difficult to find at first, once you know where they are, you can return to them quickly in the future. Full Specifications What's new in version 1.0.2 Improves performance when FaceTime is taken full screen. General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date April 17, 2012 Date Added April 17, 2012 Version 1.0.2 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Mac/OS X 10.6 Additional Requirements None Download Information File Size 13.41MB File Name External File Popularity Total Downloads 93,220 Downloads Last Week 2 Pricing License Model Purchase Limitations Not available Price $0.99.

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